Apple Icon 152x152 Cody and the approach HTML5Boilerplate is now taking is to use only the 152x152 icon and call it apple touch icon precomposed png and let other iDevices resize that as needed Blazemonger Commented Oct 15 2013 at 16 08
Iconifier is a free online icon generator for Apple launcher icons and favicon files zipped into one easy download file Follow these simple steps to specify an icon to represent your web application or webpage on iOS The icon that is the most appropriate size for the device is used See the Graphics chapter of for current icon sizes and recommendations
Apple Icon 152x152
Apple Icon 152x152
Generate quickly your Favicons Windows Tiles Apple Touch icons Android and iOS icons Just upload your image then download the image s you need or download all of your icons in a ZIP file Please upload a JPG PNG GIF or BMP image and your icons will magically appear The specifications do not explicitly define the size of the apple touch icon png picture but a good practice is to provide a 152x152 picture An iPad with a Retina screen running iOS 7 will use it as is while the other devices will scale it as needed unless they find a more suitable icon
Now Apple s icon is 152x152 developer apple library ios documentation AppleApplications It seems that Apple guidelines as of August 3 2010 now include the High resolution images for iPhone 4 in their required icon sizes Looks like we need to provide both a 57x57 and a 114x114 image now Apple touch icon generator online tool to easily create apple touch icons for your site The icon gets displayed on the home screen when users add your site
More picture related to Apple Icon 152x152
ITMS 90892 Missing recommended icon The bundle does not contain an alternate app icon for iPad of exactly 152x152 pixels in png format for iOS versions 10 0 Same issue here The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly 152x152 pixels in png format for iOS versions 10 0 List of ways I tried to resolve this issue 1 replaced all the icon with flat icons without transperancy alpha layers
Meta and Icons Apple Icon meta data GitHub Gist instantly share code notes and snippets My swift project is universal and have 152 152 and 167 167 png icon files But when click Assets xcassets then click AppIcon within left part of XCode only 8 iPhone related icon appears in the App Icon Set no any iPad icons dispalyed at the right part of XCode
[img-8] › questions
Cody and the approach HTML5Boilerplate is now taking is to use only the 152x152 icon and call it apple touch icon precomposed png and let other iDevices resize that as needed Blazemonger Commented Oct 15 2013 at 16 08
Iconifier is a free online icon generator for Apple launcher icons and favicon files zipped into one easy download file
Apple Icon 152x152 - Update June 2013 As of iOS 7 the recommended touch icon size for Retina display iPhones went up from 114 114 pixels to 120 120 pixels The icon size for Retina display iPads went up from 144 144 pixels to 152 152 pixels This post has been updated to reflect that