Printable D D Hex Map Template I ve created color coded hex map grids representing the Province Kingdom and Continent scales recommended on page 14 of the D D 5th edition Dungeon Master s Guide These include standard travel times for a group traveling at a normal pace
I ve made print resolution blank hex map PDFs for the three map scales As suggested in the DMG it s 5 hexes to the inch Province map has kingdom hexes overlaid on it so you can easily place it on your kingdom map Kingdom map has a continent hex overlay Continent map is just a plain hex grid Here s a zip of all three Grab the free hex map template here https drive google open id 1ZYIWRWcf3IXCx7SV3acuL0YE2rpMUo1QAnd Skull Fungus for the great isometric and hex maps
Printable D D Hex Map Template
Printable D D Hex Map Template
Map DINA1 Hexagonal DnD Evolution By PikoJess Hexagonal Map Dnd Map
A Free Simple Generic Campaign Hex Map For Players Or Game Masters
I created this as a large scale map template and decided to share it with everybody so that you can all get some use out of it The map is designed to be printed out on A0 paper The grid is 110 hexes high by 341 hexes wide The size depends on the scale you use Province scale 1 mile per hex 110x341 miles 37 510 square miles Get a free hex map to make your own maps with or download the source files so you can create your own hex map
I have created some printable sheets for hexcrawl adventures and I hope these will be useful and make the DM s work easier Link to the sheets https gm lazarus itch io hexcrawl sheets Create D D battlemaps with ease using this simple yet effective free online mapmaking tool
More picture related to Printable D D Hex Map Template
Hex Map Template
Online Hex Map Maker
Hex Map Template
Save vs Dragon has put together this nifty pack of hex map sheets The blank maps can be very useful for detailing your game world The pack contains blank hex maps with large and small hexes where the small hexes are 4 across a larger hex or 5 across or 6 across Hextml is an online hex map maker world building tool campaign manager and virtual tabletop software for your RPG Use it in your DnD or any other tabletop RPG campaign to build a world for you and your players It uses the best of HTML5 to let you make beautiful hexagonal maps
These grids for hex maps are prepared based on the recommendations on page 14 of the D D 5th Edition Dungeon Master s Guide but they should work for any ruleset Each grid scale is color coded so you can see how it fits on the other scales It allows you to create a hex map that you can download as a fully editable vector SVG file that you can use in your favorite drawing program like Adobe Illustrator Affinity Designer or Adobe Photoshop or open in a code editor Developers can also copy an array of hexes for use in code
Printable 1 Cm Purple Hexagon Graph Paper
Hex Map Template…
I ve created color coded hex map grids representing the Province Kingdom and Continent scales recommended on page 14 of the D D 5th edition Dungeon Master s Guide These include standard travel times for a group traveling at a normal pace
I ve made print resolution blank hex map PDFs for the three map scales As suggested in the DMG it s 5 hexes to the inch Province map has kingdom hexes overlaid on it so you can easily place it on your kingdom map Kingdom map has a continent hex overlay Continent map is just a plain hex grid Here s a zip of all three

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Hex Map Template
Printable D D Hex Map Template - I created this as a large scale map template and decided to share it with everybody so that you can all get some use out of it The map is designed to be printed out on A0 paper The grid is 110 hexes high by 341 hexes wide The size depends on the scale you use Province scale 1 mile per hex 110x341 miles 37 510 square miles